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How to Solve Addition without Regrouping

In this week’s post, I’m going to explain how to solve addition without regrouping. We’ll solve them in four simple steps:

  1. Write all of the numbers that you are going to add, one underneath the other. You have to make their 1s places line up in the same column, and you need to do the same for their 10s place, 100s place, and so on…
  2. Once you have properly set up the numbers, draw a horizontal line underneath the last row of numbers.
  3. Start adding the digits in the 1s place column. Write the answer in the same column underneath the horizontal line that you drew.
  4. Do the same thing with the rest of the columns and the number that you get is the final answer to the problem.

Addition Without Regrouping

For example: 426 + 132

If you want to try solving this by yourself, go ahead and check your answer after to see if you got it correct. Let’s begin!

First, I’ll write one number below the other so that the 1s places are lined up, as well as the 10s places and the 100s places:

4 2 6

1 3 2

Now I have everything properly set up, so I just draw the line:

        4 2 6

+     1 3 2


And I’m almost done. I just need to add the numbers together. I need to add the numbers in each column together:

1s place column: 6 + 2 = 8

       4  2  6

+    1  3  2



10s place column: 2 + 3 = 5

       4  2  6

 +   1  3  2


          5  8

100s place column: 4 + 1 = 5

       4  2  6

  +  1  3  2


       5  5  8

The final answer is 558.

Did you get it right?

I hope you liked this post and that you’ve learned how to solve these kinds of addition problems. Until next week!

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