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5 Math Activities for Preschoolers with Examples

In this post we will see some examples of the math activities for preschoolers that we have in Smartick. Students of this age will be exposed to a fully customized sequence of activities that will allow them to develop different math skills.

Introduction: Math Activities for Preschoolers

Smartick is an online program that offers personalized math activities for preschoolers. Some of the activities children can do in Smartick include:

  • Counting and sorting: children will learn to count and sort objects by size, shape, color and other attributes.
  • Basic addition and subtraction: children will learn to perform basic math operations and use numbers up to 10.
  • Problem solving: children will practice solving simple math problems and logic games to develop their critical thinking skills.
  • Shapes and patterns: children will learn to identify and classify shapes, as well as create patterns and sequences.
  • Measurement and comparison: children will learn to measure objects using units of measurement and compare different sizes.

Counting and Sorting

Counting and sorting is essential to help preschool children develop their logical and mathematical thinking.

Counting is taught through hands-on exercises in which children must count objects, for example, fruits or animals, and point to or write the corresponding number. Over time, the complexity of the exercises is increased until they are able to count larger numbers. Here is an example of the math activities for preschoolers that we have at Smartick:

math activities for preschoolers counting

On the other hand, classification is taught through exercises in which children must organize objects into categories, for example, classifying clothes by color or type. These exercises help children develop their ability to identify patterns and categories, and improve their logical and mathematical thinking.  For example:

math activities for preschoolers - sorting

Basic Addition and Subtraction

Other math activities for preschoolers are basic addition and subtraction, which are taught in a fun and gamified way, so that children learn naturally and without pressure.

Basic addition is taught by adding two small numbers, such as 2 + 3. Children learn to count on their fingers and write the result. Over time, the complexity of the addition and subtraction is increased using different mental math strategies, until they are able to add larger numbers and decimals.

Let’s look at this example of one of the math activities for preschool children. First, they are presented with problem and asked a question:

math activities for preschoolers addition and subtraction

Then, they must complete the operation, taking into account the question presented to them in the first step:

math activities for preschoolers addition and subtraction

Problem Solving

Problem solving is included in the math activities for preschoolers in SmartickIt is a key skill taught to preschoolers. This skill helps them develop their logical and mathematical thinking and prepares them to solve more complex problems in the future.

The exercises presented to preschoolers are simple and designed for their level of understanding. For example, there may be problems such as “There are 3 apples on a table and 2 more are added, how many apples are there now?” Children must read the problem, understand it, and then solve it using their math skills. In addition, the exercises are designed so that children improve their problem-solving skills over time and move on to more complex problems.

Below is an example of a math activity for preschoolers which develops problem solving skills:

math activities for preschoolers - problem solving

Shapes and Patterns

Shapes and patterns are other math activities for preschoolers.

Shapes are taught through exercises in which children must identify different geometric shapes, such as circles, squares, triangles, among others. They are also taught to identify shapes in their environment, such as the shapes of objects around them. For example:

math activities for preschoolers - shapes

Patterns are taught through exercises in which children must identify and complete patterns. For example, they can be patterns of colors, shapes or numbers. These exercises help children develop their ability to identify patterns and improve their logical and mathematical thinking.

math activities for preschoolers - shapes and patterns

Measurement and Comparison

Measuring is a way to compare objects and understand how they fit together in terms of size, weight, and other aspects. Comparison is an important skill to help children understand and solve problems effectively.

Children learn about measurement and comparison through fun, gamified exercises. For example, they can compare objects to determine which is longer or heavier, or they can measure objects to determine their size.

In Smartick, a variety of materials such as blocks, geometric shapes, and everyday objects are used to help children understand and apply measurement and comparison skills. Some examples of these math activities for preschoolers are as follows:

math activities for preschoolers - measurement

math activities for preschoolers - comparison

These are just some of the examples of math activities for preschoolers you can find in Smartick. If you want to know more about these contents or others do not hesitate to register in Smartick and try it for free.

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Fun is our brain’s favorite way of learning
Diane Ackerman
Smartick is a fun way to learn math
  • 15 fun minutes a day
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